
If you have pictures documenting your time in quarantine you’d like included, please email me and I will add them!

From top left: (1) We needed more of a long-term project for the kids: the start of building a tree house; (2) On May 1st, Massachusetts’ Governor Baker ordered residents to wear masks in public spaces. Heading to the grocery store here – thanks to my Mom for sending us some masks she sewed from fabric scraps; (3) Felipe’s mask helps complete his Kai (Ninjago character) bathrobe getup; (4) Reading (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, of course) (image credit: Olivia); (5) Breaking out the Mod Podge to finish some Olivia coasters (with tile and corkboard), a simple art project that should have been finished, oh, about 4 years ago…; (6) A snow day in late March led us on a walk through a (very closed) downtown Amherst; (7) I took this picture of the baseball field while on a jog through campus on May 3rd. When we were working on campus, no matter what kind of day I’d had, I always appreciated this beautiful view of the mountains on the walk from my office to my car at the end of a day. I miss it!